Lee's Story
Hi Mandy,
Simply wanted to put in writing how wonderful the holiday planned for Lee was. To me it was the culmination of 40 years, and seeing how wonderful true independence can be.
Was great to be invited by Lee to come and meet him at some of his plans on his holiday. It is the first time in those 40 years that I felt he was equal to his siblings. We had to meet at his choice of venue, this is new. Lee chose to be at the gardens and we were to meet him there. No plans by us to find access or transport etc but Ben did a wonderful job as did Mick who he got to come as well.
Watching Lee peruse the gardens and go into the Bert Hinkler museum to buy a book on Australian air heritage, and have morning tea with them was the start. In the evening we caught up and ate the most beautiful food at the restaurant of Lee’s choice. As it happened his carer did his apprenticeship there so we got to tour this place as a family and see the trawler that caught the fish for dinner.
I wanted to say sincerely how wonderful Ben is, your agency is, and how tirelessly I see them all work to give the true quality of life, the independent life, and mostly the happy life supplied by all of you is truly wonderful.
The lights from the deck gave Lee a lot of pleasure then a taxi trip to his unit. Ben the carer had organised all this equipment at a cost affordable to Lee plus the correct train to house Lee’s electric chair.
He also worked hard to save on returning said equipment. I feel so comfortable and so good that I got to see first hand how this holiday transpired. In fact I can say elated, the more I thought how wonderful this milestone is, the more elated I felt.
It, for me, has taken years to trust again, for all the water under the bridge, but this wonderful holiday is such an icing on the cake for those 40 years.
For all I have witnessed over time I simply want to say how I appreciate all the efforts of such a wonderful team. I feel truly blessed to have chosen you all. As to Ben, what a gem you have!
I know Lee is happy. I know he wishes to move and find another property. I also know that it would always and have to be with such a wonderful committed agency as you.
Pauline Nutley Qld