Staff - Get 'snapping' and WIN! WIN! WIN! The challenge is on!
Do you work directly with clients? Do they have permission to be published? Send your photos NOW!
We are inviting you to share photos of yourself with your client(s) or some of your clients learning, doing day-to-day chores, walking, being active or just smiling and be in the chance to win one of two SCSS 'Shared Meal Deal'. Each month we will be giving away a 'Shared Meal Deal' to the best photograph submitted for publishing and another randomly selected from all those who submit a photo. Each photo earns one entry into the draw so get 'snapping' everyone and help us build good photograph stocks for marketing while sharing the great things we do every day to make the lives of our clients better.
Send all contributions to email hidden; JavaScript is required and make sure each person photographed has a permission form signed and in our system.