COVID 19 Update
SCSS COVID19 BROADCAST - 08-01-2021Greater Brisbane will be entering a 3-day mandatory lockdown starting tonight
From 6pm tonight 08-01-2021 until 6pm Monday 11-01-2021,
All residents in the local government areas of Brisbane, Ipswich, Moreton Bay, Logan and Local sports
will not be operating.
Redlands can only leave home for one of these four reasons:
1. To buy essentials like groceries or medications
2. Work or study if you can’t do either from home
3. Exercise
4. Healthcare or to provide help, care or support
Residents of these areas must wear masks everywhere except at home.
We are currently checking all properties in the lockdown areas to ensure that masks are on hand.
NOTE: Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast are not included in this mandatory lockdown, but if anyone
from these areas have visited these areas since the 2nd January QLD Health are asking these people to
isolate until Monday 6pm and if symptoms arise please be tested.
If you have any questions, please contact 07 4111 2614 (SCSS COVID19 hotline).
QLD Police – High Visibility Policing |
QLD Police is ramping up measures to implement fines during this time as well ($1,300). High visibility
policing will be in place starting today.
- Wear masks
- Practice social distancing
Contract Tracing |
Anyone who has been in the below locations during the relevant time periods, regardless of whether
they have symptoms, is asked to come forward for testing and quarantine at home until they receive
their results.
Symptoms of COVID19 |
Anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, even if they are mild, must get tested.
Symptoms include:
- Fever
- Cough
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- Runny nose
- Fatigue
- Loss of smell and/or taste
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting or nausea
Other symptoms people may experience include muscle or joint pain, and loss of appetite.
To find your nearest testing clinic, please visit our website linked below, or contact your local hospital,
or call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
Further Planning |
Lorraine Fry and Nerissa Plumridge are coordinating all support staff to ensure the following are
identified today and measures put in place:
- Any staff or clients with Respiratory conditions in these areas to be properly planned for
- Any clients that are noted as serial absconders need to be educated in the risk over this
period - Any clients with planned transport this weekend will need to be cancelled and other
arrangements made - Contact with Finance will be made to ensure that food orders are done today before
lockdown so to reduce the need to leave the homes - Any clients with family visits booked in for the lockdown period will need to be contacted
and alternate dates sought - We are currently checking all properties in the lockdown areas to ensure that masks are
on hand, you are encouraged to purchase masks, if you haven’t done so already and in
the meantime we will ensure that all properties have masks available.
Cheers Cheryl
27th August, 2020
Good Morning SCSS Team,
This is a quick update to advise that we have set up a new COVID email email hidden; JavaScript is required . This is for all questions and COVID related notifications.
We require all staff to notify us using this email address if:
- You have been tested for COVID (include the date of test)
- When you receive COVID test results (please include a copy of the text message, certificate and the date of results)
- You are required to isolate due to close contact with a confirmed or suspected case
You can also direct any questions to this email address, and you may still contact us on our COVID hotline 07 4111 2614.
Cheers Cheryl
21st August, 2020
Good Morning SCSS team,
This is a general update regarding COVID19 and our expectations given the current situation here in QLD. Please take the time to read and understand. If you have any questions, please contact 07 4111 2614 (SCSS COVID19 hotline).
Key Points
- Be alert not alarmed
- Continue to follow QLD Health Guidelines for stopping the spread (shown below)
- Masks - currently only required if a doctor advises or when caring for someone who might have COVID19 (need to consider the risks)
- Gloves - not recommended - handwashing with soap and water is preferred
- If you are unwell stay at home
- If you are displaying symptoms get tested - Link for testing facilities
- If you have any questions or concerns, contact your Manager and 07 4111 2614 (SCSS COVID19 hotline)
- If you or someone you are in contact with (client, family, friend etc.) tests positive, you must contact your Manager and 4111 2614 immediately
As many of you will have been monitoring the situation, you will know that there are only a small number of active cases in QLD, but there is no current need to be alarmed. Instead, we urge everyone to remain alert and aware and follow the current advice from QLD Health shown below.
The following are the guidelines:
Follow this link to further information from Queensland Health.
Cheers Cheryl
12th August, 2020
Hello to All,
As you will be aware, a small number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been identified in Logan and Acacia Ridge. People who have tested positive are now in isolation and Queensland Health have commenced contact tracing.
We know that those with a disability are particularly vulnerable, and while children and young people in residential homes may not have the same risk factors as other groups in our community there are measures that can be taken to minimise the risk of COVID-19 for all of our clients and particularly those living in Brisbane and the identified regions.
- Where practicable please minimise non-essential visitors to the property and ensure that you maintain a Register of Visitors. This should be balanced with maintaining the health and wellbeing of clients.
- Increase vigilance regarding the health of clients and those even with the mildest of symptoms should get tested in line with health advice.
- It is critical that staff do not attend work if they have any symptoms of COVID-19, no matter how mild.
- Ensure that social distancing is practiced to the greatest extent possible, hand washing or sanitising facilities are available and that properties and vehicles are appropriately cleaned to minimise risk of transmission.
Further information on measures to minimise the spread of COVID-19 can be found at
Again, I urge all staff and their clients to continue to practice social distancing and good personal hygiene. Thank you for your commitment to ongoing service delivery in these continuing challenging times; if you require any further information in regard to this matter, please contact our Health & Safety Department on: 07 4111 2614.
Our continued efforts to reduce the spread of the virus is critical for the safety of all.
~ Cheryl, CEO.